Jade Humble – December 4, 2014 – Cincinnati, OH

Missing: Jade Humble

Date last seen: Dec. 04, 2014

Missing from: Cincinnati, OH

Age at time missing: 22 years old

Hair: Blonde to Strawberry blonde

Eyes: Green

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 110 lbs

Tattoo: Left upper arm

Clothing: Unknown

Circumstance: Jade is missing and was last seen in the 4200 block of Georgia Ave, in Cincinnati. This is out of her character and has family and friends very worried. She has been known to frequent the Northside of Cincinnati.

Police Agency:
If you have any information on her disappearance please contact Det. Jason Hodge at the Cincinnati Police Department; 513-352-6474 or email jason.hodge@cincinnati-oh.gov, or contact your local police.             Case #:  14-9032677                         NamUs MP #:  27441


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