Colt Haynes – July 8, 2013 – Wilson, OK














Missing:  Colt Rydell Haynes

Case:  Missing/Endangered

Nickname:  None

Missing From:  Wilson, Oklahoma

Missing Date:  July 8, 2013

Race:  White       Sex:  Male

Age at Time Missing:  21

Height:  5’10” – 6’0”

Weight:  180 – 190 lbs.

Hair Color:  Short brown hair with goatee

Eye Color:  Very blue eyes

Tattoos: “CMFH” on forearm; ride or die on upper chest; colt 45 on upper abdomen.

Scars/Piercings/Unique Marks:  None

Police Agency:  Wilson Police Department, 580-668-2136

Case Number:  13-07182           NamUs MP #: 21192

Circumstance: Colt was last known to be in a 2012 Honda Accord with a male driver and a female passenger, Molly Miller (also missing) in Wilson, Oklahoma on the night of July 7th at approx 10:30 P.M. when the driver instigated a chase with Wilson Police. The chase proceeded to County Line Road where Love County picked up pursuit. The pursuit continued on to Long Hollow Road where officers blocked off Long Hollow Road, which is a dead end road. Love County lost sight of the car and called off the chase at this time.

At 12:57 a.m. Molly called 911, it was a 5 second phone call. Dispatch called her right back with no response. No one was ever dispatched to the area to check out the 911 call. The 911 call came in to Marietta dispatch. Her family states her phone pinged off towers between Pike and Long Hollow road. Colt called several friends saying he and Molly were lost between Long Hollow and Pike road in the woods and that his ankle was broken with the bone sticking out. The car was found 2 weeks later, in a field near where the pursuit ended. Colt and Molly have not been seen nor heard from since.

Facebook Page: Justice for Colt!





























Molly Miller















(click on poster(s) to enlarge)






















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