Don’t Leave Friends

LostNMissing Inc, 26 Noyes Rd., Londonderry, NH 03053  Phone: 603.548.6548.

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LostNMissing Inc is promoting an awareness campaign across the country. “Friends Don’t Let Friends Leave Alone” is an important message to help safeguard that you and your friends will make it home safely. Our Organization assists families of missing and it is far too often those missing may have been saved had they not left an establishment on their own.
It is no longer safe to tell your friends you are leaving early and taking a taxi home. This is not to have anyone feel guilty that they didn’t accompany one whose life was lost from leaving alone…but to promote the awareness and educate our young adults on the importance to always be tandem. Be smart. If a friend is drinking too much we all know not to ride with them…but take that extra step and don’t allow them to leave alone…take their keys.
When a group outing and one decides they want to “cut out” early? Be the friend that says “Give me a second and I will leave with you.” Should you need to leave early….ask one of your friends to depart with you.   Let’s save lives!


Our goal is that we want to educate the public on the importance of always staying with your friends when frequenting establishments, or homes, that provide alcohol. This also includes other evening venues in which no alcohol is consumed such as concerts and large group gatherings.  The message is the same: Come together, leave together.  Going out with friends to celebrate can be fun and a wonderful way to bond with your peers. Unfortunately, we have seen far too many young lives lost due to tragic accidents, or foul play, that may have been avoided if a number of safety tips had been followed.
Our campaign (see full site: )is not to put blame, or guilt, on anyone who may have lost a friend or loved one because they parted ways after an evening together … but rather to educate just how important it is to stay together.
Nobody ever thinks someone they love will go missing, but it does happen every day. About 2,100 loved ones go missing in the USA every day.  Statistics show that the majority of adults who go missing did not purposely set off to disappear, but rather went missing under circumstances that require police investigations.  Most adults who become missing are due to cognitive disorders, emotional distress, accidents or foul play.  Stranger abductions are rare causes of missing loved ones but it can and does happen.  We believe if we can educate our young to be a little more cautious and a little more responsible that lives could invariably be saved.
Sometimes one cannot help but to be alone as they may be single, in a new town or like the idea of a quiet activity solo.  While we do not want to instill paranoia or fears, our goal is to provide with enough resources to help educate on various ways that one can protect themselves from harm or from becoming a missing person statistic.

Safety Tips If You Have To Drive Alone:

  • Potential attackers look for people who are vulnerable.
  • When walking to your car, hold your keys in your fist with a key pointing out between your thumb and forefinger.
  • When leaving your car, put the passenger seat forward if possible. This allows you to see if anyone is in the back seat upon returning to your car.
  • Before you get into your car, circle your car and look for obvious problems.
  • However, in underground parking lots, time is of the essence. Walk directly to your car, get in, lock the doors and quickly drive away.
  • Always keep your car maintained and never drive with less than 1/2 tank of gas.
  • When you break down, you are much safer inside a locked car. Get a ‘CALL POLICE’ sign. Never obstruct your view by applying it to your windshield. Put the sign in a back window.
    • If your car breaks down, DO NOT raise your car hood.
    • If a passing motorist stops. DO NOT get out of your car. Roll the window down 1 inch and ask them to call police.
    • If you are involved in a minor accident, drive to a well lit and/or well traveled area. DO NOT get out of your car on a lonely or dark road.

    If you are going on a trip, make sure someone is aware of your exact route and destination.  Info provided by the Camden NJ Police Department


Here are a few valuable links of interest for other “Alone” activities!:

Before You Walk Alone In the Dark

Safety Tips When Jogging or Trail Running

  • Missing Posters

    LostNMissing Inc. gives full permission to any person, persons, organization, news or media outlets to share and use any of our missing posters. They may be used in any capacity to help bring awareness including, videos, commercials, blogs, forums, social networking sites, in print form, books, booklets and newspapers. We only ask that they do not be altered in any fashion and cannot be used for products sold, except newspapers and magazines. Any other use must obtain the permission of LostNMissing, Inc. Thank you.
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