William Mays Jr. – May 2, 2015 – Forsyth, MO















Name of Missing: William Mays, Jr.
Nicknames: Will
Date Missing: May 02, 2015
Missing From: Forsyth, Missouri
Age at time missing: 35
Race: Caucasian
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short, cropped
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6’9″
Weight: 229 lbs.
Clothing last known wearing: Blue jeans, brown shoes, and a tan jacket.
Other identifying feature: Will is 6′ 9″ tall.

Circumstances: William is a mentally challenged adult that is 6’9” tall. He left his group home in the Forsyth, Missouri area on foot. He may be confused and upset.

Name of Police Agency: Taney County Sheriff
Name of Detective Assigned: Dave Forest
Phone number of Police Agency: 417-546-7251
Missing Person Case #: 15-03289

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