Date Last Seen: April 13, 2022
Location Seen: Holden, ME
Case: Medical Needs
Age at missing: 66 yrs.
Year of Birth: 1956
Stats: Caucasian, Male
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Gray/brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Facial Hair: Mustache, beard, chops
Piercings: Many facial and body piercings
Known Clothing: Yellow/Orange basketball shorts with brown jacket
Other characteristics: Recently diagnosed with dementia. Anti-social behavior. Smokes “Kool Blue” Cigarettes, Missing on Foot and is left-handed.
If info, or seen,
please contact the
Holden Police Dept
Dispatch at (207) 843-5442
Case #22-026854
Circumstance: Randy was diagnosed with dementia a few days prior to missing. On April 13th he paid his lot rent and went to a gas station, bought 5 packs of cigarettes (not his brand) and has not been seen since.
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Bring-Randy-Home-108351168550666/