Missing: Randall James Smith
Date Last Seen: June 03, 2020
Location Last Seen: Tulsa, Oklahoma. Age at time: 35 yrs old
Year of Birth: 1985
Stats: White, Male
Height: 6’0″
Weight: Thin
Hair Color: Sandy blonde
Hair Style: Usually clean cut, short
Eye Color: Blue
Facial Hair: Thin chin
Piercings: One ear
Last Known Clothing: Baggy jeans, dark blue tshirt with white letters “Abercrombie”, Van sneakersTattoos: “Mom” with roses on left forearm. 4 sided star type O on forearm, Tribal symbol between shoulder blades, “RJS 07-04-06” on wrist, other tattoos on chest. Scars/Marks: Scars from a shoulder surgery.
If info, or seen, please contact the Tulsa Police Dept.
at (918) 596-9140Or Detective Division at (918) 596-9133
Case #2020-037
Randall was reported missing after he did not show up to work, which is unusual. At the same time there have been many recent passing‘s in their family and Randall may have been depressed. His vehicle was found abandoned and brought to a tow company which is how the family learned that he was missing. They are very concerned and worried. His cell phone was also disconnected in June.
Family Tip Line: (702) 241-1185