Missing: Michael McClain
AKA: Mike McClain, MikeNice McClain
Date Last Seen: April 20, 2019
Location Seen: Nashua, NH
Age at time: 29 years old
Eyes: Brown; wears green contacts
Hair: Brown; wears braids
Facial Hair: Goatee
Height: 5’10″
Weight: 190 lbs
Piercings: Ear
Tattoos: Numerous on hands and arms.
Anyone who has any information on McClain’s whereabouts can contact Manchester, N.H., police at 603-668-8711, or the Nashua Police Criminal Investigation Division at (603) 594-3500. Case #19-26944. You may request to remain anonymous.
Circumstance: Mike, of Manchester, NH was spotted on surveillance at McDonald’s after leaving the “Tropical Lounge” nightclub in Nashua. From that point he was spotted on surveillance in the parking garage at Riverfront Landing on Bancroft St. In Nashua. That was the last known sighting. It is not known why he left his friends at the club. Mike graduated with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and works for Easterseals New Hampshire, a nonprofit that provides resources for people with disabilities, veterans and seniors. He has not shown up to work, nor has made contact with family or friends. This is not in his character.