Michał Marcin Krówczyński – Jan. 17, 2019 – San Diego, California

Missing: Michał Marcin Krówczyński
Date Last Seen:  Jan. 17, 2019
Location Last Seen:  San Diego, California
Age at time missing: 30 yrs. old
Year of Birth: 1989
Stats:  Caucasian, Male
Height:  5’10”
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color:  Brown 
Hair Style: short / almost bald
Eye Color: brown
Facial Hair:  short stubbleDentals: Braces on teeth at time
Clothing: Hilfiger sneakers, 
Blue jeans, V-neck shirt, Dark colored jacket with a hood.
Tattoos/Piercings:  None
Scars/Marks:  Scar on back fromprevious spine surgery
Languages Spoken:  Polish (native), English

If info, or seen, please contact
the San Diego Police Dept.,, 
at (619) 531 22 77
Or your local police
Case #19500063

Circumstances:  Michal, a Math teacher from Poland, came to the United States on vacation to visit with friends.  He had a flight from San Diego to Phoenix, AZ on January 17, 2019. His friend was waiting for him at the Phoenix airport and he wasn’t on the plane. All family and friends in Poland are extremely distraught and needs the help of people in the USA to please find him.

Facebook: “Michał Krówczyński – Zaginięcie / Missing”

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