Maereg Tesfaye Tafesse – March 3, 2018 – Seattle, WA

Maereg Tesfaye Tafesse
Last Seen: March 3, 2018
Location: Seattle, WA
Stats: Male, African (Ethiopian)
Age at time: 24 yrs. old
Year of Birth: 1994
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Long, black
Facial: Beard
Tattoos: Left hand “flying birds”
Scars: scars on leg
Other: Is predominantly left
handed, quiet and intelligent.

If info, or seen,
please contact the
Seattle Police Dept.
at (206) 684-5582

Case #2018462881. NamUs #MP55866 

Maereg, an intelligent young man, came to the U.S. in 2012 to attend  Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA. He was last known to be living in Seattle, WA but has lived in Oregon and California as well.  He informed his family that he was leaving the US , but no evidence shows that he departed. It’s possible he could be with the homeless population.

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