Missing:Linda Peterson
Date Last Seen:March 17, 2019
Location Last Seen: Baker City, Oregon
Age at time:51 yrs old
Year of Birth:1967
Stats: White, female
Weight:75 lb
Hair Color:Light brown
Hair Style:Curly mid length
Eye Color:Brown
Last Known Clothing:Black and white shoes, blue jeans grey hoodieTattoos: Rose on ankle, unknown tattoo on buttocks.
Scars/Marks:Scar on right wrist
Languages Spoken: English
Other: In need of her meds for her Bipolar disorder.
Transportation:Missing on Foot
If info, or seen,Please call theBaker City Police at (541) 523-3644
Case #P201900414
Circumstances: Linda has been hanging around with dangerous people, prior to missing. Her apartment has been broken into several times, people have said that they won’t talk “without a deal “, and have heard several rumors that she was beat to death and in somebody’s basement. She hasn’t been seen since March17, 2019 and this is not in her character.