Missing: Lee Sterling Cutler
Case: Missing
Nickname: None
Missing From: Buffalo Grove, Illinois
Missing Date: October 20, 2007
Race: Caucasian Sex: Male
Age at Time Missing: 18 years
Height: 6’0″
Weight: 161 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Tattoos: None
Scars/Piercings/Unique Marks: Small bump on upper lip/Slight webbing on two toes.
Other: None
Investigating Agency: Buffalo Grove Police Department
Case Manager: Detective Tara Anderson
Phone #: 847-459-2583
Case Number: M07E4222
NamUs MP # 5310
Circumstance: On the night of October 19, 2007, Lee gathered with family and friends at a favorite hibachi steak house to celebrate a birthday party. Afterwards, he spent the night at a friend’s house. The next morning (Oct. 20) Lee drove another friend home, and was supposed to be headed to his new job at a Rock America store at a mall in Vernon Hills, Ill. He never arrived and has not been seen or heard from since.
On October 21, 2007, Lee’s car was found parked near a rest stop in Baraboo, Wisconsin, 177 miles away from his home in Buffalo Grove. The car was locked. After watching the car all evening in case Lee returned, officers begin investigating the vehicle and the surrounding area. Inside the car, police found a printed receipt indicating that Lee had visited Kettle Moraine State Forest at 1:41 p.m. on October 20. In the car and in the nearby woods, police found many of Lee’s possessions.
Investigators are baffled why Cutler has not yet been found. After a thorough search of the entire area, they are certain that he is nowhere near the state park where his car was found.