Missing: Jorge Zavala Jr
Last Seen: March 21, 2023
Location: Holbrook, AZ
Case: Medical Needs
Age at missing: 41 yrs. old
Year of Birth: 1981
Stats: Hispanic, Male
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 290 lbs.
Hair Color: Gray
Hair Style: Cropped
Facial Hair: Grayish-red beard
Eye Color: Green
Other: Jorge walks with a limp. He is a Diabetic (type 2) and without needed medication. He is fluent in English and Spanish. Right-handed.
If info, or seen, please
contact the
Amarillo Police Dept.
At (806) 378-3038
Case #23-504447
Circumstances: Phoned family that he was lost outside Holbrook in desert. He was headed to Amarillo on bus and exited wrong stop. His cell battery died soon after. He has not been seen since and family desperately searching.