Missing: Jessica Ranay Hatchett
Last Seen: July 21, 2023
Location: Marietta Ga
Age at missing: 21 yrs old
Year of Birth: 2002
Stats: Black, Female
Height: 5’3″ Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Brown;Natural afro Eyes: Hazel/brown
Glasses: Prescription
Piercings: Ears
Other: Birthmark on lower stomach; light skin. Has a space between front teeth.
If info, or seen, please contact the Eufaula Police Dept. 334-687-1200 or the Anonymous tip line at 334-687-7100. Case # 24-01-0068
Circumstances: Jessica is originally from Columbus GA and close with her family. She met a boyfriend and moved to Marietta, Georgia a few years back. There were problems in that relationship. Her family is extremely worried as she has not made contact since July of 2023, which is out of her character. He has since moved on to a new girlfriend. (The boyfriend stated he dropped her off at a trailer park and hasn’t seen her since.) The family knows she would not “run off” and not make contact with them.
Facebook: “Missing Jessica Hatchett”

Note: Some photos are 10 years old, she has aged since