Missing: Elsha Marie Rivera
Case: Missing
Missing From: Fort Worth, Texas
Missing Date: February 01, 2004
Race: Hispanic Sex: Female
Age at Time Missing: 25
Height: 60 to 61 in.
Weight: 100 to 110 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Tattoos: None
Scars/Piercings/Unique Marks: Scar on the back of her head, visible when her hair is parted. She also has a burn scar on her hand and scars on both of her lower legs.
Other: None
Police Agency: Texas Department of Public Safety, Missing Persons Clearinghouse (512)424-5074
Case Number: M0407004, NamUs MP # 4292
Circumstance: Elsha Rivera was last seen on February 1, 2004 in Ft. Worth, Texas on the 1300 block of E. Myrtle St. She has not been seen or heard from since. Elsha is very petite and appears to be younger than her actual age. She may have been a victim of human trafficking. Few details are available in this case, however, her mother, family and friends have been desperately searching for their loved Elsha. If anyone has information, no matter how insignificant, please contact authorities.