Cameron Remmer – October 6, 2011 – San Francisco, CA

Cameron Remmer 29 Years old














Missing: Cameron William Remmer

Nickname:  Cam

Missing from:  San Francisco, California

Date last seen:  October 6, 2011

Age at time missing:   29 years old

Race White     Sex Male

Height (inches) 70.0 to 72.0

Weight (pounds) 170.0 to 180.0

Hair Color: Sandy blonde. (very short at time missing)

Facial Hair: brown or light brown

Eye Color: Blue

Other: Does not wear glasses, however, police state that he purchased 20 pairs of dark glasses (sun glasses). He is known to wear tennis shoes and sometimes wears two different shoes. He also wears mostly tee shirts and shorts for the most part. He could have on a sweatshirt or knit hat

Police Agency: San Francisco Police Department at 415-734-3145, Inspector McKenzie; or call your local police.
Case Number: 110819476    NamUs MP #: 12843

Circumstance:  Cameron Remmer went missing on 10/06/11 in San Francisco while there for business. He checked out of the Fairmont Hotel and has not been seen or heard from since.   He has not used his bank card or cell phone or email since October 6, 2013.  Cameron also suffers from a bipolar condition in which he may hallucinate , appear agitated or withdrawn.  He is loved by many and is family is desperately searching for him. By this point in time he may appear disheveled and have longer hair and more facial hair growth, especially if he is living on the streets. He is in need of his medication too. Please help look for Cameron.
















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