Ashley Morris-Mullis – September 19, 2013 – Royerton, IN
















Missing:  Ashley Morris-Mullis

Case:  Missing

Nickname: Unknown

Missing From: Royerton, Indiana

Missing Date: September 19, 2013

Race: White  Sex: Female

Age at Time Missing: 27 years

Height: 5’6″

Weight: 115 lbs.

Hair Color: Brown – Medium-length to shoulders

Eye Color: Brown

Tattoos: “Ashton” on upper left arm; small butterfly on right leg.

Other:  Ashley was wearing jeans and a v-neck shirt and no jewelry.

Police Agency: Delaware County Sheriff’s Office, Detective Kurt Walthour, 765-747-7781 or Indiana State Police, Trooper Dean, 317-453-9962 or local police
Case Number: 2013-40723 (DCSO)      NamUS MP#: (pending)

Facebook: Searching for Ashley Morris Mullis

Circumstances: Ashley was last seen on September 19, 2013, a few months after giving birth to her third child. When she and her husband separated, they each thought the other was caring for their two dogs and charges were filed that the dogs were neglected, however, she was not aware of the court date and did not appear. A warrant was put out for her arrest. Ashley would not abandon her children, friends and family for a missed court appearance!




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