LostNMissing Inc
“Every missing person is someone’s loved one.”
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Nobody wants to find a missing loved one more than you – the family. We not only work to find your missing loved one, we also do it hand in hand with you. You’re never alone. We are here for you. The Team at LostNMissing Inc.
Over 2,000 go missing in the USA, every day.
Rarely do you find an organization which is so committed to one mission, one purpose–and that is working hard and supporting families while working with law enforcement to find those missing. We work across the United States, 365 days a year. The entire team at LostNMissing, Inc. are compassionate, devoted and dedicated. All are 100% volunteers including the Founder and Board Members We do great work on a tight budget.
Won’t you please support our work with a small donation? Thank you.
LostNMissing Inc. is a state and federally recognized, 100% volunteer, 501c(3) Non-Profit charitable organization to assist law enforcement and the families of missing.
Our missing have families who are seeking assistance to gain public awareness of their missing family member. Unfortunately, the media industry is ever-changing and may only provide coverage for a limited time before they move on to other cases.
At LostNMissing, our core cultural value is to continue to bring awareness to the public of those missing and support law enforcement and families in all ways possible with media, internet, and public awareness.
We utilize all possible avenues, approved by the family, in order to help bring a missing loved one home. We guide and advocate for the family of missing adults by hosting numerous community events and our services provide the tools necessary for family members to obtain assistance, at no charge, to support and guide them in helping to find their lost or missing loved one. A proactive approach will always be provided to assist with the marketing and media awareness of a missing loved one upon proof of a filed and accepted missing person police report.
We not only work with families of missing loved ones, but also have a Team that specializes with entering missing into NamUs as well as research and help bring identification to unidentified deceased loved ones. Through the NamUs website we try to match unidentified earthly bodies with those who are missing to help bring families their needed answers and their loved ones home. We do not discontinue our relationships with our families once a loved one is located, actually…quite the opposite. We stay with them and even help to plan their loved one’s welcome home celebration or in the case of a passing, their Celebration of Life services. Many former families of missing assist in a LostNMissing Support Member role to be available to other families of missing, as well.
Our Work:
When a loved one becomes missing, families are extremely distraught. Working along with their law enforcement we will guide families to what needs done to help locate their missing family member.
For missing adults, this includes media, marketing, designing missing posters and banners, and assisting the family with needed events as well as contracting for search and rescue, if advised by their local police agency.
For missing minors, we will add to our database and help with media marketing.
We are always available to the family and work with professionalism and compassion.

LostNMissing Inc., is a national tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the “code”) and qualifies as a public supported organization under Sections, or Categories: P99 (Human Services – Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.); M99 (Other Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief N.E.C.); I01 (Alliance/Advocacy . We never charge a fee for our services. All Support Members, Board of Directors, Officers and Owner are Volunteers.