



 The repeated use of electronic communications to harass or frighten someone.

Most times with an anonymous name. Anyone at any age can be stalked and harassed.

A lot of those harassed are targeted because they may have posted their opinion on a topic in

a discussion group or social networks. A cyberstalker relies upon the anonymity afforded

by the Internet to allow them to stalk their victim without being detected.





Cyberstalking: What Is Cyberstalking and What to Do if You’re a Victim
















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Another Excellent source for parents: Wired

In the early days of cyberabuse, when WiredSafety’s volunteers first offered help to
victims of cyberstalking and cyber-harassment in 1995, cyberstalking and
cyberharassment were defined differently. Now cyberstalking and cyberharassment are
lumped together along with any way adults use digital technology to torment, harass,
intentionally annoy or set their victims up for attacks by
unwitting third parties (like hate groups and violent individuals). While this short
article summarizes cyberharassment, WiredSafety has more resources and more
experience than any other online group on the issue of cyberharassment, cyberstalking
 and cyberbullying (minor-to-minor). Visit our tutorials, take a class
 or two online with us, visit our help channel or refer your case to our WiredPatrol
 Internet Response Team for help form our specially-trained volunteers.
 The one thing you need to understand about cyberharassment
 is that you shouldn’t have to live with it.

WHOA (Working to Halt Online Abuse),

an online organization dedicated to the cyberstalking problem,

reported that in 2001 58% of cyberstalkers were male and

32% female (presumably in some cases the perpetrator’s

gender is unknown). In a variation known as corporate

cyberstalking, an organization stalks an individual. Corporate

cyberstalking (which is not the same thing as corporate

monitoring of e-mail) is usually initiated by a high-ranking

company official with a grudge, but may be conducted by any

number of employees within the organization. Less frequently,

corporate cyberstalking involves an individual stalking a corporation.

WHOA reported that, in 2001, cyberstalking began with e-mail

 messages most often, followed by message boards and forums

messages, and less frequently with chat. In some cases, cyberstalking

develops from a real-world stalking incident and continues over the

Internet. However, cyberstalking is also sometimes followed by

stalking in the physical world, with all its attendant dangers.

According to former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno,

cyberstalking is often “a prelude to more serious behavior,

including physical violence.” In 1999, a New Hampshire

woman was murdered by the cyberstalker who had threatened

her in e-mail messages and posted on his Web site that he would kill her.

Learn to protect yourself online. Don’t be dumb about it, a lot of creepy people out there..
(great commercial for safety site!)

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