Missing: Sierra Lynn Jared
Last Seen: Jan. 21, 2025
Location: Lucerne, California
Age at missing: 30 yrs old
Year of Birth: 1994
Stats: White, Female
Height: 5’3” Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair: Blonde, Long wavy
Eye Color: Blue
Tattoos: Sierra with “happy, sad” masks and music notes on forearm. “Number 13” and a “butterfly” on her other forearm. “Misty Michelle” on calve
Other: Right handed, & missing on foot
If info, or seen, please contact the Lake County Sheriff’s Dept at (707) 263-2690
Case #C25020275
Circumstances: Sierra was experiencing homelessness, but she talked with her dad often and suddenly stopped calling and has stopped posting on Facebook. Her phone is off and family is very worried as this is not in her character.