Ervin Brittnacher – League City, TX – November 06, 2015












Missing: Ervin Brittnacher
Case: Medical Needs
Date Missing: November 6, 2015
Missing from: League City, Texas
Age at time missing:82 yrs old
Height: Approx. 6 feet tall
Weight: Approx. 165 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Thinned to balding on top; Gray in color
Facial Hair: Gray beard and moustache
Clothing: Last seen wearing a red plaid shirt and tan pants with red and white shoes.
Unique: He is missing half of his left foot and has a deep scar on upper left arm
Special Note: *Has trouble walking due to toes missing on his left foot.

Police Agency: League City Police at 281-332-2566, 9-1-1, or your local police

Circumstance: Ervin was last seen on November 6, 2015 at his home in Alvin, Texas. He is an Alzheimer’s and Dementia patient who is in urgent need of heart medication.

Ervin Brittnacher

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