Derek Seehausen – August 5, 2014 – Echo Park, CA















Missing: Derek Adam Seehausen

Case: Endangered Missing

Date Last Seen: August 5, 2014

Missing From: Echo Park, California (Suburb of Los Angeles)

Age at time missing: 26 yrs old

Height: 6’0”  Weight: 180 lbs.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Clothing: wearing a maroon-colored T-shirt and shorts, tennis shoes


Police Agency: USC police at (213) 740-6000, LAPD Rampart Division at (213) 484-3400, your local police, or 9-1-1.

Case #


Circumstance: Derek was last seen leaving an apartment in the 400 block of West Glenoaks Boulevard about 6 a.m. on Aug. 5th and withdrew cash from an ATM. He is a medical student, very punctual and his disappearance is extremely concerning for family and friends. He may be emotionally distressed.

Other: Derek has an extraordinary affinity for the wilderness, hiking, rock climbing, and other outdoor scenic activities.
Areas of possibilities: Trestles Surf Beach, Point Dume, Mount Eaton,Ring of Fire Trail in Altadena, Inspiration Point in Altadena, & Mount Wilson.


































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