Missing: Brian Klecha
Date Last Seen: Dec. 26, 2017
Last Location: Lakeland, FL
Age at time missing: 35 yrs. old
Year of Birth: 1982
Stats: White, male
Height: 6’0″
Weight:180 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Style: Short
Facial hair: Not at time missing.
Chin: Has deep cleft
Other: cigarette smoker, Has no
bank card, nor ID on him.
If info, or seen, please contact:
Special Agent
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Major Case Squad
Tampa Bay Regional Operations Center
4211 N. Lois Avenue
Tampa, FL 33614
Desk: (813) 878-7347
Email: seanmcentee@fdle.state.fl.us
Case #TM-73-5511
NamUs #MP43415
Circumstance: Brian Klecha was last seen during a banking transaction at MidFlorida Credit Union in Auburndale on December 27, 2017. He was in process of moving into a shared home in Lakeland, at time missing. Brian also worked at Disney as a bus driver. This is not in his character to not contact
friends, or family.